Miks sarnased seadmed kasutavad otseülekandeid asemel vaheliigutusi?


Miks sarnased seadmed kasutavad otseülekandeid asemel vaheliigutusi?
Miks sarnased seadmed kasutavad otseülekandeid asemel vaheliigutusi?
Kui sarnaseid seadmeid ühendate üksteisega, võite küsida, miks mitte ühte teist tüüpi kaablit kasutatakse. Seda silmas pidades on tänase SuperUseri Q & A postitusel vastus uudishimuliku lugeja küsimusele.
Kui sarnaseid seadmeid ühendate üksteisega, võite küsida, miks mitte ühte teist tüüpi kaablit kasutatakse. Seda silmas pidades on tänase SuperUseri Q & A postitusel vastus uudishimuliku lugeja küsimusele.

Tänane küsimuste ja vastuste seanss jõuab meile viisakalt SuperUserini - Stack Exchange'i ja kogukonnapõhiste Q & A veebisaitide rühmitusse.

Foto viisakus Dom Pates (Flickr).


SuperUseri lugeja user576476 soovib teada, miks sarnased seadmed kasutavad ristsuunalise kaabli asemel otseülekandeid:

Why do similar devices use a cross-over cable instead of a straight-through cable?

Miks sarnased seadmed kasutavad ristkasutatavaid kaabasid otseteede asemel?


SuperUseri kaasautor Eric F on meile vastus:

Definition of a Cross-Over Cable

A cross-over cable is typically used between devices with the same type of interface (i.e. computer to computer, router to router). Ethernet cables are usually made as an A or B-type interface (which simply means how it is wired).

A cross-over cable simply has an A-type on one end and a B-type on the other end.
A cross-over cable simply has an A-type on one end and a B-type on the other end.

What is Happening

Basically, what is happening is that the “send” and “receive” are switched so that one of the devices “send” wires goes to the other device’s “receive” wire, and visa versa with the other wire. In reality, the wires are in pairs, so there are two wires for send and two wires for receive.

If you were to use a straight-through cable (where the wires are all-in-line), then a “send” would be going to a “send” and a “receive” to a “receive”, so the devices would not be able to communicate.

Auto MDI-X

Keep in mind that many modern devices use Auto MDI-X, which is a way for a device to automatically switch the wiring method on its own. If either device on the two ends of the Ethernet cable have Auto MDI-X, then it does not matter if you use a cross-over or straight-through cable. Auto MDI-X was introduced in Gigabit Ethernet, so if either of your devices uses Gigabit, such as routers or computers, it has an extremely high chance of having Auto MDI-X already on it.

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