Miks Chrome ja Internet Explorer kuvavad seda pilti erinevalt?


Miks Chrome ja Internet Explorer kuvavad seda pilti erinevalt?
Miks Chrome ja Internet Explorer kuvavad seda pilti erinevalt?

Video: Miks Chrome ja Internet Explorer kuvavad seda pilti erinevalt?

Video: Miks Chrome ja Internet Explorer kuvavad seda pilti erinevalt?
Video: Psexec.exe: A Powerful tool for IT Admins - YouTube 2024, Mai
 Kui üsna kummalisel juhul on segaduses tuvastatud, muutub puuviljaosa foto, mis selle brauseril see kuvatakse. Mis on optilise illusiooni taga saladus? Kas see on pirn, õun või mõlemad?
Kui üsna kummalisel juhul on segaduses tuvastatud, muutub puuviljaosa foto, mis selle brauseril see kuvatakse. Mis on optilise illusiooni taga saladus? Kas see on pirn, õun või mõlemad?

Tänane küsimuste ja vastuste seanss jõuab meile viisakalt SuperUserini - Stack Exchange'i ja kogukonnapõhiste Q & A veebisaitide rühmitusse.


SuperUser lugeja Ethree kirjutab:

Check this image out:

On Chrome and Firefox it will show as a pear. Now, try to save it and look at it saved on your desktop. Also, try viewing in safari or IE. It will display as an apple!
On Chrome and Firefox it will show as a pear. Now, try to save it and look at it saved on your desktop. Also, try viewing in safari or IE. It will display as an apple!

Try clicking the image and moving it around, you will notice the apple appears.

I guess my question will be, “why does this happen?”

Miks tõesti? Me nägime seda Chrome'i pirnina ja kindlasti, kui me salvestasime selle oma allalaadimiste kausta, mida see kuvatakse õuna.


SuperUseri kaastöötaja Matthew pakub ülevaadet optilistest illusioonidest:

The “white” pixels in the apple picture contain the picture of a pear, stored at a much higher intensity, i.e. very bright.

The “black” pixels in the pear picture contain the picture of an apple, stored at a fairly normal intensity, but scaled down to near black with the gamma correction.
The “black” pixels in the pear picture contain the picture of an apple, stored at a fairly normal intensity, but scaled down to near black with the gamma correction.
The image contains a gAMA chunk specifying a file gamma value of 0.02. When displayed without gamma correction, the viewer sees an apple with “white” pixels interspersed, which are actually the pear at its original (high) intensity.
The image contains a gAMA chunk specifying a file gamma value of 0.02. When displayed without gamma correction, the viewer sees an apple with “white” pixels interspersed, which are actually the pear at its original (high) intensity.

When displayed with gamma correction, the viewer sees a colour-corrected pear with “black” pixels which are actually the apple rendered at a much lower gamma value.

Browsers which display the pear are showing the image using the gamma information provided in it, while browsers which display the apple are not using this gamma information.

Teisisõnu austab Chrome gamma-parandusväärtust ja Internet Explorer ei ole.

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